Sunday, June 7, 2009

the princess and the penis... a tale by lily rodgers

i thought for my 99th post, why not get a little dicey? today as i was checking my email, my kids were wrestling and jumping on the bed in the office. they may or may not have both been naked, i was too busy on the computer to notice. in any event, ozzy eventually wandered off, and lily starts talking to me.

lily: "hey mom, i love wieners."

me: (half paying attention) "oh yeah, that's great honey."

lily: "no mom, i really love wieners. when ozzy and i were wrestling, i touched his a few times."

***disclaimer*** for those of you who don't have a boy and a girl, there is quite a bit of intrigue from both sexes on the other's "area." if they are naked, i usually here them squeaking "eeh, eeh, eeh" as they inch towards each other to touch. in the bath, there is usually at least one such incident. so needless to say, this conversation was not abnormal for me*****

me: (still not engaged) "oh yeah?"

lily: "mom, do you love wieners?"

me: "no, not really."

lily: "oh well i love wieners. i really love wieners, and disneyland the most."

my sweet daughter, who just had a mind blowing experience at disneyland for the first time. a place and day she equates with nothing, suddenly decides that "weiners" are on par...

dear god, pray for us...


The Harper Family said...

Mike and I read this together and laughed out loud...

erin said...


The Schmidts said...

Oh that is hilarious! -Rhiannon

Soderin Family said...

is this really what i have to look forward to!!?? i am nervous!

Dave, Kristal and Wes said...

too funny. I called Dave over to read! ha ha.