so i wanted to shout out a big welcome to Elias Ceasar Brown- he was born April 28, 2008 comin it at 8lbs 15 oz and 22" long. you may be wondering why he was so big- maybe its in the genes (guatemalan and asian- probably not) or maybe its just because he was 2.5 weeks late. whatever the case, the kid didn't want to come out. i was so privileged to be present at the birth- it was actually really fun, which is quite a change from my own deliveries and the other births i've been to (which only consists of 2- both of lealah's sons). don't get me wrong they were beautiful and passionate and liberating- amazing- its just that they hurt like hell.
in any event- as a trio (jess, lealah and myself) we've sort of prided ourselves on being able to have natural childbirths- mostly b/c lealah is basically a doula. she encouraged both jess and myself to go for it, and really rooted us both along in our battle to bring forth life. but, since ol eli didn't want to come out, jess had to be induced- after wrestling with the decision to get an epidural or not- she finally conceded. we kind of figured she's done it twice naturally so why go through the torture of inducement without some help. it was crazy for us naturals- we were all just hanging out, talking, watching oprah (it was like any other day really). then all of the sudden it was time to push and out he came- no big deal. i must say compared to the trauma of my own births- almost being torn in half (sorry man readers)- the epidural really kind of made me want to have another baby. all that to say, i'm in. if i actually ever decide to get pregnant again (a whole other issue) i will get an epidural.. probably in the eighth month- just to be safe.
what about y'all? epi free, or epi freedom???
I like the idea of forgoing all that pain... but to be honest I think I'm more afraid of the epidural than going thru it natural again.
Pitocin sucks and so does being induced. I labored a day and a half and then ahhhhhhh the epidural came and the rest was bliss. Seriously, I loved every minute of my labor and I cannot wait to do it again. I hope to go into labor naturally this time and I will probably TRY to do it again without any drugs. They better let me in the hot tub this time,(couldn't cuz of my high bood pressure) or someone will get hurt.
I got an epidural shortly before Jenn. Needless to say, we're supporters.
Finally that baby came out. Poor Jess. I am just glad that everything went well, and you even got in an episode of Oprah.
Of course, I am all for the epidural. I actually get a little peaved when ladies look down on you for getting one. are a hero whether you get an epidural or you don't. Nine months of sacrificing your body should be enough to get you the medal of honor. I personally get sick of people making you feel like you took the easy way out..or that you have to justify getting a shot. I LOVED IT...(can you tell this is personal for me?)
I hope you get to have one next time around Holls. Afterall, you have done enough tearing for a lifetime! I would recommend just getting a self-kit for home because you never have enough time!:)
Having had a planned C-Section with Judah, I have some sick curiosity to really feel what labor is like. All you moms are probably thinking I'm crazy, but it seems so weird to have a kid and not gone into labor at all. So yes I will try for a VBAC, but I'm definitely into drugs! But hey, if I'm screaming for another C-Section after my first real contraction I won't be surprised.
seriously, i've always wanted a c-section as strange as it sounds. i used to say sign me up for a c-section, give me a coke and call it a day. i even like the old days where they put you out entirely. in any event, i can understand the desire to want to feel it- its natural- its the way god created it. however with extenuating circumstances like super long labors, inducement or both drugs are def the answer.
yes i am nursing my four day old as i write this so excuse the typos. thanks hols for the shout out. i was really happy you invited yourself to be there...just kidding. i was all about being all natural but i've always described labor as the most horrible thing i've ever been through. I'm so pumped I got to experience a pain free childbirth. it was amazing and I don't feel so mentally traumitized as i did with the other too. and my son seems pretty third eye yet!
My preferred approach to the situation is to walk into the hospital with a giant red target on my back. I am even sure to mention to every nurse in sight, as I am being wheeled down the hall of the birthing center, that I indeed intend to be shot up and to let any and every anasthesiologist know in effort to ensure that one is available at the precise moment I need him.
Seriously though, both my labors were very enjoyable. I still felt my contractions so I was still very connected to what was going on and I knew when to push (my hospital only gives interthecals not epidurals so I was slightly less medicated). Both kids were alert as ever and I could easily walk with in a hour or so. I highly recommend it.
let me sum up my birthing experience (in the words of amy poehler).. "I feel like i'm shitting a knife!!! bitches get me some drugs!"
-sorry for the profanity, but y'all know its acurate
-thanks for the comments... please keep em comin!
yahoo for the epidural. i had to be induced with max because he didn't want to come out i finally opted for the epi. it didn't take the first time so they had to do it again, which was a little intense. but once it finally kicked in, it was totally enjoyable. so with milo it wasn't even a dilemma. in our birth classes they said that at the women's hospital where i gave birth, like 93% or something get an epidual. that was comforting to me- so i never really worried about getting one.
ok...where's the tribute to miss liliy pearl. i'm waiting!!!
oh its a brewin..
thanks for the push drea!
Tell Jess that I love the name! In regards to the epi thing... my labors have been so fast I don't think I could get an epidural even if I wanted one. I hope that continues to be the case if we ever decide to have more kids. Especially here in Mexico... the incidence of C-sections is even greater than in the U.S.
ON a different note... what's your take on the whole Obama - Clinton race?
shell-- you don't want to know. scroll back to my previous post if you want to get mad!
ok, i know how to spell Lily! still waiting holly. turn off ellen or oprah for that matter and get bloggin!!
this is funny. ugh... not a mama. i kinda like pain in a sick way. everyone's body is different- I think after seeing my sister labor 28 hours naturally and dialate to a 3- get the epi. seriously however you had a baby- you gave birth...
Hey Holly! I love your blog, so real.
I'm chiming in late... I've got mixed feelings about the epi. I got one after a day of crazy pitocin induced contractions and while the pain stopped the mental trauma could not be abated and ended with 4 hours of pushing and some nasty tearing. If I ever have to be induced again I'd opt for it in a second. Like Jenn said everyone's body is different and you just never know!
On a different note, Shawn's brother Trevor said he got to hang out with you guys. Awesome.
Take care...Sarah Forzetting
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