Tuesday, February 17, 2009

where you at?

so i know i'm late in the game, but i just started watching american idol.

not like just last week, but off and on this whole season (its hard cause its on tuesdays and competes with biggest loser). thus we've been watching wednesday night. it wasn't that i was boycotting the show, its just that recently b got us this high voltage power antennae and now we get fox.
i must say i do enjoy it, but for the most part i don't really get it. i cannot tell the difference between a good singer and a not so good. just when i say, 'she rocked that!' simon's there to say, 'you sound like a cat in heat.' its trippy for me to watch these peeps just falling all over themselves- you can just see the desperation oozing out of them, it's kind of pathetic to me- but then again at boo boo's music moment, oz asks me repeatedly not to sing.

which brings me to my big question.

i've seen a few of these shows in my day. as a ween we were wowed by our peers on star search. i so remember being 8, and just devouring that show.. imagining myself up there. b tells me his favorite part about star search was the modeling portion... hmmm. you do the math.

i digress.

fast forward. we have one channel. we've been relegated to america's got talent. kinda ghetto, but we get into it (nuttin but stringz in the house!) as i mentioned the biggest loser is close to our hearts, but seeing as how i've never been 300 lbs, let alone 125 lbs (back brag), i can't totally relate. then there's shows like the bachelor which i've never actually seen, but heard about. in a nutshell its simply a bunch of skanks getting drunk (and i really can't relate to that. wink). which brings me to my real favorite- last comic standing. i think if i had to choose i'd be there. i heart that show. big time. i loved it when iliza took it last season. go chicks.

despite my dear affections for stand-up, i also recognize that there's no way i got the cajones for that bid-ness.

which leads me to the one thing i've always been good at. the one thing that's come the most natural, and one of the most consistent things in my life. sure i can drain the 3, and sure i've been sighted on the pitch on monday nights, and many of you have seen me yogging about the town. but do i really have what it takes? all i know is when i watch it, i feel this surge... my blood gets a boilin, and i can taste victory...

with that said, i give you two words.

american gladiators.

i'm so the chick in the front.

now that i've dished, tell me, what reality show brings the best out in you?


The Schmidts said...

I just watched American Idol for the first time last week too since we got a new TV and more then one channel for the first time. Since all I really know is channel 6 I am a Biggest Loser fan. I'm always like, "If I were on the biggest loser . . . " and then Jason tells me, "you could never be on the biggest loser." Which is a good thing, but still I do find it motivational to get rid of the last of the baby weight I have from baby #2. We did get sucked into America's Got Talent and I devastated that "Nuttin But Stringz" didn't win and Jason is partial to Last Comic Standing. -rhiannon

zaiahbird said...

I love it all really. i got more than one channel and I'm hooked on some tv shows you will never know. I have to say Jon and Kate plus 8 is one because I love how much they fight and yell. It makes my house seem not so bad. I'm a huge amer. idol fan from the beginning but since I can't keep my eyes open past oh... 7:30 I've missed it all this season. That's why i stick with the day time reruns.

BagDad said...

you forgot to mention that little hobby you like to keep in the closet.

roller blading...oh wait, actually I think it's called Inline skating...much cooler.

I really liked that show...what was it...Mama's Boys.

Anonymous said...

i should be embarrassed to admit this - but somehow, i am not - the show that really gets me going is "so you think you can dance," probably because i can't dance and have always wished that i could.

Will McCabe said...

I can see you as a gladiator for sure! American Idol still does it for me. I am already a rock star though, so all i can do is watch.


Soderin Family said...

Real Housewives of Orange County! It helps me to undestand exactly where Eric came from.