Friday, November 5, 2010

orphan sunday

sometimes i'm convinced that b and i became missionaries just by watching a video.  

even though one would hope this isn't entirely true, there is no doubt that there is great power in those little 5-8 minute videos set to music.  the images, the words, the music, all have an almost intoxicating effect on me.  and though i would never wish that anyone would make an emotional decision based on a movie, i do want to acknowledge their power.  

the reason i'm posting this video isn't to make you feel guilty or weepy, its to make you aware.  aware that the statistics are staggering.  aware that there is a real, concrete need, and i feel, responsibility.  a responsibility for people everywhere to know what is going on outside our white picket fences.  
this next sunday is orphan sunday.  as anna reminded me yesterday in her blog 'children don't get to choose the life they are born into.'  i know adoption isn't for everyone, there are times when i doubt whether or not its for me. but i do know this-- at the risk of sounding cheesy i will say that god LOVES these children.  like really loves them.  and there is no reason why each pair of piercing brown eyes you see in this video should not have a mom or dad that loves, cherishes, provides for and adores them.  

this video was made by a local couple here in SLO who brought their baby boy home two years ago. they made it for the agency we are using for our adoption and much of the footage is shot where our son will come from. 

its all kinds of AMAZING.  but i'm just warning you, it brings the tears in a big way.  tears of joy mostly, tears of  pain, but for me, mostly tears of anticipation.  i cannot wait to hold him.  

in any event, brace yourself.  its beautiful.

'one adoption won't change the world, but it will change the world for one child.' 
                                                                                   -AAI mission statement


Anonymous said...

Loved reading this, I look forward to reading your blog each week. I love learning more about your adoption:) I didn't know you were adopting from Ehiopia. You might want to check this out
Levi and Jessie are our good friends from Sacramento. They now live in Ethiopia and helped open and now run an orphange for tribal babies/children that would have otherwise been killed by tribes. The work God is doing is amazing.
I have a passion for these children and want God to use me, I am excited to see what that may look like. I need to have patience and courage for now. Thanks for your example.

ChrisZ. said...

Thanks for posting this video. I am blown away that there is a place for these kids to go to transition to adoption and pray for more families like you to be the ones to receive them. It is truly amazing and I am so struck by what you said and what I felt in this video about how much God loves these children. Thanks again for blogging on it and posting that video.

Anonymous said...

Holly, You are remarkable. You have such a gift for writing. I am excited for you on the adoption of a new member of the Rodgers family; a 2nd son. Have you met him yet (virtually)? Anything Mike and I can do to help?


Two Cent Sparrow said...

I find it interesting that when you write about orphan care you get three comments but when you write about poop you get 30.

Anonymous said...

Sponsoring (a semi-adoption!)a child through World Vision has been wonderful for the past 7 years, but oh so thrilling to anticipate the real thing as we all count the days til the phone call...what a wonderful gift to just come alongside Brandon and Holly as their family just grows and grows. Whooohoooo!!
Pop Pop and Nonna